Welcome to our website

Hello. We are 2 HUGE lovatics!! this website is just for fun. Hope you enjoy!! xx

Visitor's notice

If you have any problem we will try to help you with our Demi-quotes. visit our facebook page Demi Lovato-Belgium this is our facebook page --> https://www.facebook.com/demilovatobelgium?fref=ts


Neon Light tour

08/04/2014 18:51
the neon light tour has been ended march 30 2014 well here are the places she has been...

Website launched

08/04/2014 17:19
Our new website has been launched today. our moto is once a lovatic always a lovatic #enjoy


have you ever seen demi lovato live performing

yes (24)

no but i want to (13)

no i don't even like her..... (15)

Total votes: 52